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The Postal Store®

Coastal Birds

First Day of Issue Date: June 1, 2015

First Day of Issue Location: Kansas City, MO

About This Stamp

With the release of the Coastal Birds postcard stamps, the U.S. Postal Service® celebrates four eye-catching birds: the red knot (Calidris canutus), king eider (Somateria spectabilis), roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), and magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens).

The stamps feature highly stylized, digital portraits of each bird.

Feeding on everything from crustaceans and mollusks to insects and fish, coastal birds can be spotted along beaches, rocky coastlines, and mudflats, as well as in lagoons, wetlands, and other saltwater and freshwater habitats. They account for some of the world's largest breeding and migratory populations.

The Coastal Birds stamps feature the art of illustrator Tyler Lang. Greg Breeding was the art director.

The word “POSTCARD” on the stamps indicates their usage value. Like a Forever® stamp, these stamps will always be valid for the rate printed on them. The initial price and value for these stamps is 35 cents. They are being issued in sheets of 20 and coils of 100 stamps.

Stamp Art Director

Greg Breeding

Greg Breeding is a graphic designer and principal of Journey Group, a design company he co-founded in 1992, located in Charlottesville, Virginia. He was creative director until 2013, at which time he began serving as president and continued in that role through 2023.  

Breeding’s fascination with modernism began while studying design at Virginia Commonwealth University. His affinity with the movement continues and motivates his ongoing advanced studies at the Basel School of Design in Switzerland most every summer.

As an art director for postage stamp design since 2012, Breeding has designed more than 100 stamps covering a diverse array of subjects, from Star Wars droids and Batman to Harlem Renaissance writers and the transcontinental railroad. 

His work has been recognized in annual design competitions held by Graphis, AIGA, PRINT magazine, and Communication Arts. 

Breeding lives in North Garden, Virginia, with his wife and enjoys nothing so much as frolicking on the floor with his grandchildren.

Stamp Artist

Tyler Lang

Born and raised in St. Albans, Vermont, Tyler Lang studied graphic design at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. After graduating in 2007, he moved to New York City to begin his professional art career, gaining skills at various design studios.

In 2009, Lang and his wife, Elsa, relocated to Portland, Oregon, and opened their own studio, Always With Honor. Their clients have included The New York Times, Toyota, Microsoft, WIRED, The Nature Conservancy, and Nike. Bold colors and simplified details characterize Lang’s work, which he describes as “communicating a sense of optimism and wonderment.” His personal interests in science and nature are apparent in many of his designs.

On the weekends, Lang can often be found exploring Oregon’s back roads with his wife and their Basset hound, Waldo. Despite his love of the Pacific Northwest, Lang will still only accept pure Vermont maple syrup on his pancakes.

Lang lives and works in Portland. His projects for the U.S. Postal Service® include Coastal Birds (2015), Coral Reefs (2019), and Spooky Silhouettes (2019).

First Day of Issue Ceremony

First Day of Issue Date: June 1, 2015
First Day of Issue Location: Kansas City, MO

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